andrei wrote:
good stuff snipped
more good stuff snipped
I'm not into any kayaking clubs since I'm pretty much unable to keep
to a
stable schedule. I pretty much paddle whenever my muscles and time
me. My "paddling name" is same as my first name--andrei (lower case),
my "joke name" for my kayak is "Titanic", since all it would take to
it is to rip a minimum of two of the main air pockets. As you can
tell, I'm
not very experienced in paddling, but hope to "get there" soon. I
live in
the Tidewater/Hampton Roads area of Virginia, USA. If you're in the
you'll be able to spot me as the only one insane enough to go in an
red inflatable kayak.
Hi Andrei,
Thanks for the reply, and welcome aboard. Though it appears that we may
be the only ones watching the RBP, or at least who care to talk about
paddling, and letting others know we are here.
Sounds like you are having a good time with the IK, be sure and wear
your PFD, less the Titanic sinks! I read on the Watertribe, that one of
their marathon adventure endurance races was won by a Stearns IK.
Everyone was surprised, probably even the one tough paddler! TnT