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My cousin Danny's a good man and good looking....he lives in WIndsor and has
a large tract of Queen's lease property (extended out to the year 3000) 60
miles north of the Soo...he's a welder by trade ...and is a 10th don black
belt or whatever inkarate and teaches Tai Chi.....he's 48 y/o....(he's also
vegetarian and does herbal medicine...)

"Overproof" wrote in message

"Lady Pilot" wrote in message
Tell me how he could get across the border and be free?

Get thee North....

Can I run up to Canada and be free from my aggressors?


My boys and I have new passports, I would expect that I would be picked
up at the border and transported. Do you know anything about the
Canadian Laws?

You don't need pasports and I'm not an expert at Canadian Immigration. I
got here when I was 5.... been here ever since. You could find a Canadian
to marry.

