Boating facts of life.
1) if your sailboat is powered by a diesel auxiliary then your boat
reeks of diesel fuel.
2) if your sailboat has a working head and holding tank that is
used then your boat smells of rotting human waste.
3) if your sailboat is tied up to a dock then your boat has as
many cockroaches as it has bird droppings.
4) if your sailboat is north of latitude 45 then it spends half
a year or more in storage, dejected, unwanted and
5) if your sailboat is not sailed offshore then it is little more
than a wannabe sailboat.
6) if your sailboat is white then it is just another in a bunch
of plain vanilla, no imagination, run-of-the-mill, unnoticed
and uninspiring vessels.
7) if your sailboat has a French name then it is a traitorous
piece of junk.