Subject: See you all in the spring....
From: thunder
Date: 12/13/2003 9:16 AM Eastern Standard Time
On Sat, 13 Dec 2003 13:38:50 +0000, F330 GT wrote:
1. Dying of starvation or disease as the population grows out of control
and the land can no longer support the herd. This happens quite often when
hunting is severely curtailed.
I don't have any problems with hunting, but there is more to the equation
than curtailing hunting. I live in New Jersey, and the deer population
here has exploded. Hunting has not been curtailed, on the contrary,
hunters are allowed many does, and several bucks, depending on
licenses/permits. Here, the Dept. of Fish & Game manage the herd as a
resource, I've heard it argued perhaps too successfully.
And you have successfully stated a problem but you haven't suggested a
Unfortunately, the human virus has taken up the land and resources that once
belonged to the wildlife. Since we are unable to manage our own herds, we must
try to successfully manage the animal population. We do this in ways that try
to maximize their herds without them encroaching on our lifestyle. Hunting is
just one of the ways that we do this.
Unless we are willing to give up our own breeding habits, I guess we are going
to have to continue managing theirs.