F330 GT wrote:
Harry wrote:
In hunting or fishing, there is no such thing as "humanely" killing your
If you were a deer, which would you prefer:
1. Dying of starvation or disease as the population grows out of control
the land can no longer support the herd. This happens quite often when
is severely curtailed.
2. Ending up as a hood ormament on the front of a speeding car. Also a
problem in some areas where the heards are too large.
3. A quick shot to the heart.
Nature doesn't provide animals or fish with many humane choices for death.
don't die of old age like humans.
If I were a deer, I'd prefer NOT to be shot. Period. There is no such
thing as "humane" hunting or fishing if, in the end, you kill the
critter. I understand how we humans like to use softer language to make
our slaughter of the animals we hunt or fish sound better but killing is
killing is killing.
In most cases, the land can no longer support the critters because we
have encroached upon the land, or have killed off all the "natural"
predators. In other words, if there are too many deer in an area, it
isn't because the deer just copulate all day. It is because we have
destroyed their habitat and the room they used to have for free roam
isn't there anymore.
We have deer wandering through our property all the time, and the
property of our neighbors. We're in a "hunter free" zone, and so far, we
are not overpopulated with deer. Once or twice a month, a deer and a car
have an unfortunate encounter out on the county roads, and the deer
almost always loses. Wish we could establish a "deer crossing" that
really was.
If you want to hunt "humanely," then use a camera.
So Harry, what's your solution to the problem? Should we give the land back? In
fact, should we just give it back to the Indians and all move back to Western
Europe. Thant presents a whole new set of problems.
The issue was over the "humane" killing of animals for sport. My posit
is that there is no "humane" way. I also made the point that it was our
fault, not the fault of the animals, that their habitat was taken.
There's no single solution, but what we should consider is a halt,
wherever possible, to the destruction of remaining habitat.
Reality has to fit into your perception of what is right and wrong. I'm not a
big hunter but I'm a realist. And I don't see the difference btween eating
venison and eating beef, chicken, pork, or store bought salmon. They all die
pretty much the same way.
I make no claim that buying packaged beef is higher-minded than shooting
it for sport, although I do maintain there is no "sport" in hunting.
And you being a avid fisherman, I'm surprised to hear that you practice
strictly "catch and release". What about the poor crabs in those crabcakes that
you love? What an untimely death to be thrown into a cauldron of boiling water.
Shame on you.
That wasn't my point, Barry.
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