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Capt. NealŪ
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Default Do you, like I, feel sorry for Bobsprit?

I feel sorry for Bobsprit for it is plain he is almost
disconsolate due to the fact that he cannot sail
because his fine vessel is on the hard for the winter.

To assuage his anxiety and lack of quality time on the
water with his usual bevy of beauties he has taken
to being consumed with non-sailing related things
such as baby posts and camera posts in order to
keep his vast intellect in it's usual sharp condition.

However, this poses a problem for a sailing newsgroup.
Does one put him in the kill file with the likes of the
Gay One, who never posts anything worthwhile, or does
one abide his chronic, off-topic posts in the hopes of
once in a while having the pleasure of reading a rare
on-topic post from this fine gentleman?