"thunder" wrote in message

On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 08:06:08 -0500, JohnH wrote:
Now I'm waiting to see how many congratulatory messages are posted by
Harry, jps, basskisser, et al. Should be interesting reading.
Capturing Saddam is a good thing, but I'd hold off on hanging another
"Mission Accomplished" banner until we see how it plays out in Iraq. I
would hope the attacks on Americans would taper off, but there is no
guarantee and there is still a long road ahead in Iraq.
The people with brains (military in Iraq) have apparently been telling
reporters to "simmer down now". The insurgents are working with an agenda
that doesn't quite fit ANYONE'S guess, including ours or Saddam's. Read the
December 15th Time Magazine cover story. Near the end of the story is a
paragraph which the borg will interpret as left-biased, but 98% of what's
there seems factual.