OT--Congratulations to the 4th ID
On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 11:20:06 -0500, Harry Krause wrote:
NOYB wrote:
...for catching Saddam. I hope the guy spent the last 8 months in various 8
foot holes...'cause it'll prepare him for the next several months before he
is shot.
Indeed, but in reality, BFD.
The United States military hasn't won a war against a notable adversary
since 1945, and in *that* war, we were engaged with our allies in
efforts to rid the world of dictatorships and military machines that
came close to taking over the world. We fought to a draw in Korea, we
had out butts handed to us in Vietnam, and, since then, we've used our
might correctly and incorrectly in a series of little bitty wars against
fifth-rate powers. Like Iraq.
It is a minor victory, and I mean minor, for our forces to have captured
Saddam alive so he can be put on trial.
After his capture was announced, there was a car bomb explosion in Iraq
that killed 17 people, or so I heard on the news.
So, as soon as you get over the five point bump in the polls that this
will give Bush (and a bump in the polls was all Iraq ever was about),
ask yourself these questions:
1. Is the US safer from terrorist attacks now than it was yesterday?
If so, what proof have you to offer?
Absolutely. Saddam has been captured. What proof do you have to the contrary?
2. Where are the WMD that Iraq has or had?
Still under ground, in a neighboring country, or destroyed.
3. Where is the proof of a direct, serious connection between Saddam and
Osama in terms of 9-11?
No more needed.
4. Is the Middle East any more safer or rational today?
5. Will hostilities cease in Iraq?
Probably not. But they haven't ceased in Ohio either.
6. Should we expect a retaliatory strike from the Moslem world on US soil?
We should be prepared, within reason, for a strike.
Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and seven months to find one man.
So what?
I can't help recall reading of some of the heroic events of WW II, in
which our troops, along with the troops of many other nations,
liberated, at great cost, entire nations, and were greeted in the
streets of the cities by huge crowds planting flowers and kisses on them.
Now, what have we? We captured Saddam Hussein.
Now what?
Now we see what happens, Harry. You will continue to frantically search for
anything negative about the USA that you can find. You will then blame it on
On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD