I'd drown my sorrow, too, if I were as inept . . .
OzOne wrote in message ...
On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:27:27 -0500, DSK
scribbled thusly:
Last time I talked to Pete, he mentioned that capsize 
Yep, you always remeber the dunking that cost, or near cost a
champioship win.
I will till the day I die remember my mistake as a crew that cost us
an Oz national champ, when we gybed in 25kt+ and I'd left the dagger
board just an inch or so too high and it caught the vang.
We were far enough ahead, and recovered quickly enough to scramble to
a 3rd, but needed a 2nd to take the champ. Bugger!
I'll be seeing some of those guys for a Xmas beer tonight...It will
come up...again (hangs head in shame) :-(
Oz1...of the 3 twins.
I welcome you to crackerbox palace,We've been expecting you.