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Brian Whatcott
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On 22 Dec 2004 23:37:17 -0800, (Steve Squires)

Brian, when operating the throttle cable (having made all adjustments)
the linkage at the carby, while it moves fully by hand, only moves a
tiny amount thus only opening the butterfly minutely. My concern is
that full revs/ acceleration may not be being atained even though at
low rev the motor runs sweetly. If you knew the approx max revs then a
tacho may answer my query. steve

I've already found that your engine is not configured like the
Johnsons n Evinrudes I've handled.
So for what its worth: a popular mechanism is a cam that turns
a fraction of a turn, when operated from the throttle cable. A roller
bears on this cam, and connects to the carb butterfly(s).
This cam provides most opening movement near the full throttle
position. If you have this kind of arrangement, the cam is just not
being turned far enough.
Can you have someone operate the throttle lever while you watch
the linkage?
You should be able to see how the butterfly is opened, this way.

Brian W