Don't insult my parents.
It is Christmas, now we know that you don't speak to your children,, so lets
My parents, probably same age as you, approx. I send them money home because
that is kinda like the traditional thing to do. They paid for my birth, my
growing up, my education, my food my life etc etc etc etc, be damned if I
will let them rot away in an old folks home.
Because you asked there Harry,, my parents have their own home. I give them
money (and for the rest of their lives) and this only makes their life
better. More comfortable.
So your sidelines, 7-11 jokes, my parents poor jokes, etc etc,, well who
cares, you keep throwing darts at my parents there harry,, I don't care.
Lets look at you now,, compare,,
Your children left you for your ex wife. That is what I am told. Harry,, why
is that? My parents would have to be some type of sick *******s for me to
disrespect them like that. My parents would have to be the worst in the
world for me to ever leave them and not communicate or not love them until I
die. Your children have left you, cut the strings and don't look back. At
least that is what you said. So Harry,, when you insult (or try to) my
parents,, lol,, you are slapping yourself in the face..
Harry,, I am an honorable person,, I offered you a bet and I can prove it
with a responsible referee, I would like the opportunity to come down to
your neck of the woods, visit you, prove to you that my parents are
wealthier than you are. And that excludes my money I give them. You keep
insulting them or saying they are poor (which isn't an insult in my country)
but in your context it is an insult. Put your money where your mouth is. I
""think"" I will win the 1000.00 dollars,, I am willing to bet. I will
either make the 1000.00 or lose it,,, either way,, I bet you.
What say you harry?? Back to you,,,,
Let me answer for harry,,,
" go to work at the 7-11, sell beer and cigs and look at the chart your poor
parents gave you"
LOL,,, that is funny ,, or maybe you would answer
""" I cannot bet you, the chance I lose might disrupt my retirement as my
children draw instead of contribute, I better return with an insult instead
of accepting your bet""
Harry,, I call you a liar,, I call you a coward,, I call you unpatriotic and
a bad American... I think you are a bad parent,, I think you are a bad
father,, so you can either deflect my criticism of you and try and mask or
sugar coat it with sidelines, or you can step up to the plate and attempt to
be a man, for the first time in your life, alone without the support of your
local brotherhood of union slobs,,
What say you harry?? O ya,, you ignored my statements,, lol,,,
Back to you harry,,,,,,
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
news:1103987351.50cd0e330dfa190d8ac8c83b1db7b0ae@t eranews...
Tuuk wrote:
You say it is 0deg where you are,,
I mean you lied so many times just this past few days, How the hell do
you expect us to believe you now,,,
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
news:1103906873.b4d6d342a9ef2da9fa985d9226417506@t eranews...
Don White wrote:
Woke up to 11 C temperatures (52 F) and rain this am.
Getting tired of this dreary damp foggy weather every second day. If
has an oversupply of colder temperatures and snow...please send some
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.
The snow we had earlier this week is...gone. It's 0 C now, and the temps
are supposed to drop some. No snow in the forecast, though.
I posted that it was Zero Degrees Celsius, ****-for-brains. See the 0 C up
there? Eh? What do you think the C stands for? Candlepower? Are you a
product of home schooling? No wonder your parents need the money you send
Dumfoch...do you have a chart at the 7-11 cash register to help you make