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Default Off the Topic. I'm waiting to see...

On 15 Dec 2003 04:20:57 -0800, (basskisser) wrote:

JohnH wrote in message . ..
all the congratulatory messages from Harry, jps, basskisser, gould, et al.
our capture of Saddam. Harry, I could imagine the glee in your eyes when you
came across the video of the Iraqi getting (supposedly) murdered by a Marine
after being wounded. Yes, I would call it murder, if it occurred. I have doubts
about the authenticity of the video. For one thing, why has it not been shown on
any of the networks? Surely, if it were substantiatable, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc.
would showing it every five minutes.

The US just fined a soldier about $5000 for shooting a pistol near a man's head.
The officer is undoubtedly being forced to retire early. How do you reconcile
this action with the "inaction" for the shooting depicted in your little video.

Well guys, how do you turn this into a negative for the administration? This
should be cute.

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD

Absolutely, congratulations on spending billions upon billions, upon
billions of taxpayer's money to find a man that posed no harm to us,
except for those pesky cardboard drones he had aimed at us!!! By the
way, news this morning says that Saddam has stated he had NO weapons
of mass destruction before the war.

If you are referring to the money of more than one taxpayer, then the correct
word is *taxpayers'*.

What did Saddam use on the Kurds?

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD