Finally Getting It
It's gratifying to see that many of you are going into the new year finally
getting it. Here's a summary for those who are slow on the uptake:
Boats - mine is better than yours, more fully equipped, sailed more and I
got it almost for FREE!
Cameras - mine are not only better, more numerous, I know how to use them,
my friend owns a camera shop so I get nearly for FREE!
Telescopes - mine is better, everyone I've owned is better and I sell them
for more than I paid for them, so they are FREE!
Women - my wife is a super model, she modelled thongs, I dated all of her
model friends, I've had sex with everyone of them numerous times, they buy
me expensive gifts and it's all for FREE!
My apartment - It's in the most desirable neighborhood in Queens and my rent
is FREE!
My home theater - it's the biggest, the best and I got all the components
for FREE!
My internet service - it's high speed and FREE!
Physique and fitness - I'm superhuman in strength even though I don't work
out, live in an apartment and breathe polluted air. I'm a master of
knowledge in boxing, for I've been pugilized so many times on the
playground - first hand experience! I've gotten my physique, stamina and
strength without working out - it's all FREE!
Medical care - Suzanne is a nurse - it's all FREE!
eBay - the rusty nuts, bolts and beat up oars I sell pay for my time and
expenses, eBay is all FREE!
Gifts and money - I'm constantly showered with them, all FREE!
Thomas - didn't cost a dime to concieve, in laws and parents have paid for
the education, Suzanne and company do the diapers, upbringing. I'm just
there for the good times, I'm a daddy for FREE!
My trolls are effective and long lasting. In fact, I don't even need bait on
the hook! Yes, you clowns provide me endless entertainment - for FREE!!
Thank you all, and keep it all flowing - for FREE!!!!
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