this boat has been sitting
my nabor has a glasstream 17' i/o with a 3.0 mercurser in it. it has
been sitting for about 2-2 1/2 years. i'v been thinking about buying
this boat, and talked to my nabor about it a little. it has had no
cover on it, and has not moved in about a year and a half. it has been
exposed to the weather all this time. all i can tell you is that it is
a late 80s model. the paint looks like it just needs a good wash job
and a wax. the interor is starting (well has) moleded, but has no
other damage. other than a little fading. the prop turnd nice and
smoth, the stering feals like it dont want to turn, but the outbord
part of it has about 7" of snow around it, and it could be starting to
sink in to the ground, but i dont know if thats true or not(not untel
the snow melts a little). him and a buddy winterised it a couple
yesars back, after the last time he used it, but i dont know if his
buddy knows what he was doing, i know my nabor dident . i asked what
it would need to run, and my nabor told me all it would is a battery.
now, im no dumbass, i know quite a bit about motors, (not typing or
spelling though) but after a year, even with fuel stabalizer in it,
the gas would be no good. witch meand a good carb job would be in
order, if its not fuel injected, i dont know witch it has. so heres my
queston, what should i look for in inspecting this boat? i want to
drive the price as low as possible, but he thinks is still worth about
2 to 3 grand. id like to get it under a 1000$. it is sitting on a
nice tralier. and how much running can i do out of the water. how
quick do this things heat up? iv drove my car a little with no water
in it, but did not let it get to warm. can you run this boat for 3 to 5
min with no water going throught it, at idle with out hurting it?
pleas tell me all that you can, thanks in advance, tim