"Doug Kanter" wrote:
If you're open to noticing, you'll find that relatively young Fords,
especially larger ones, smell like 30 year old Toyotas. Not as bad a
Chrysler minivans, though.
30 year old Toyota's don't smell. They're parked in junkyards, rotting
away. When's the last time you saw a 1975 Toyota on the road? Smell?
Maybe it's your upper lip... hehe
Now my 35 year old Ford smells. 351C 4V, headers, duals, Flowmasters,
posi-trac. It smells like a V8 with no catalytic converters. But you
wouldn't smell it for long... :-)
But, let's drop this subject. Cars are too
closely tied to the ego in this country. You cannot bring actual
reality into the conversation, like the information I've gotten from a guy
whose job it is to install and program the CNC machining equipment at
several Ford & Chrysler plants.
Another obtuse post. What's the info? That he install equipment there, and
can only tell you things he's seen at one or two Ford or Chrysler plants?
That he has no info on the scene at Toyota or any other plants? Let me
guess... he is a big Toyota or GM or brand X fan, and only sees what he (and
his ego) wants to see?
Since you have your panties in a wad over Toyota, let's talk about them for
a minute... I've owned one. IMO, they are very reliable, but boring. They
have no style, average handling, decent ergonomics. I'd recommend one to my
mom if she was inclined. But they are mundane, average, boring vehicles
that, on average, last a long time. If you're about to flatline, I guess
you could love one.