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  #70   Report Post  
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

"Jack Goff" wrote in message

But, let's drop this subject. Cars are too
closely tied to the ego in this country. You cannot bring actual

reality into the conversation, like the information I've gotten from a
whose job it is to install and program the CNC machining equipment at
several Ford & Chrysler plants.

Another obtuse post. What's the info? That he install equipment there,
can only tell you things he's seen at one or two Ford or Chrysler plants?
That he has no info on the scene at Toyota or any other plants? Let me
guess... he is a big Toyota or GM or brand X fan, and only sees what he
his ego) wants to see?

6 plants, so far. Where did you get 1 or 2 from?

The purchaser of the CNC equipment can specify, within a certain range, how
tightly they want to limit tolerances. That's a mechanical adjustment. After
engine parts are made, each manufacturer decides what's considered a
rejected part, and what gets used. This is a management decision. The
difference between what Toyota will accept and what Ford, Chrysler and GM
will accept does not fall into the category of "negligible".

If you think this is obtuse, let me know in your next post.