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Depending on the service provider you can expect to pay anywhere from $1.25
to $2 per mile (truck). Friend of mine had 33 ft transported from FL to NY:
total $3,000. It's not cheap. Search the internet and check local Yellow
Pages. If they are not busy you may get a better deal. Good luck.

"Calif Bill" wrote in message
Truck. See if you can get a truck needing a load going west. There are
boat transport companies, and they may cut a deal if you give them a time
range. They may have a boat going East and no return load. Friend had

40' sailboat transported from San Francisco to Annapolis 3 years ago but

not remember the price.

wrote in message

Let's all put on our thinking caps for a few minutes. I found a boat I
like in VA. Its 37'l x 11.5'b x 12'h. It weighs 17,000 lbs.

Here's the hard part: I live in California. What is the most
economical and best way to transport the vessel? Since it is cold and
rainy here at home, I am in no hurry. I could buy it in February and
wait until April or May to arrive (after all time=money).
Rail? Truck? Deck cargo?

Let the thinkers begin to think!