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Excellent. Experience from that meter is what every poster
should have had before posting. Please report fields in many
locations including car - and that transmission line.

Warning: sometimes transmission lines are not carrying much
current. Therefore the readings may appear low. Take
readings at various time of day or year to better understand
the fields. And find other equivalent transmission lines to
verify readings at your transmission line are reasonable.

3 milligauss is one of the lower limits that many claim to
be 'maximum permissible'. Notice that what is and is not
healthy is a very wide region because - despite all the papers
such as those from Bob Crantz - we still don't known what is
dangerous; if anything. Bottom line. If HV transmission
lines don't exceed what is normally created in the house, then
transmission lines (currently) can be considered safe.

Also take electric field readings. E fields are measured in
volts per meter. Furthermore, notice what does and does not
eliminate or reduce both magnetic and electric fields.

I love it when people are more interested in the numbers
rather than just hyping what could be junk science. Its
called 'dirt under your fingernails'. Number are what junk
scientists fear to learn or post. Use numbers from research
papers by Bob Crantz to put your meter readings into
perspective. Appreciate why speculation on the dangers of
either magnetic or electric fields is so widely disputed.
Then appreciate why so many reiterate worries without the
'temper' of reality - the numbers.

Scout wrote:
My EMF-822A electromagnetic field radiation tester has just arrived.
I read in one of the reports, a maximum suggested exposure limit of 3
milligauss. I am getting a reading of 2 milligauss just sitting in
front of my CRT (there is also a 2 bulb flourescent light about 3
feet above my head).
Moving the meter closer to the monitor gives readings up to 12
milligauss. I'll play with this more in the days to come.