You are correct about the fields in the house being of more concern than the
fields from a powerline. You are also correct about the studies from
powerlines. I was playing around with you and you stood your ground. For
that I have great respect.. Why didn't you catch the remark about the E
field increasing in a dielectric? It actually decreases, the Displacement
vector remains constant. My hat tips to you!
You won't burn in hell!
A powerline will get you instead!
Bob Crantz
"w_tom" wrote in message
But Bob Crantz gave no numbers for the fields around high
voltage power lines. Other fields should cause more worry.
They are the missing numbers. Is it 100 volts/meter
underneath the transmission line? But the those fields are
also found inside the house. Don't worry about those high
voltage transmission lines. Instead, move the bedroom
depending on how the house is constructed and wired ... in
every house. If fields are a problem, then the problem are
things found inside every house.
I am impressed that you do have fundamental knowledge of the
concepts - even though you confuse electron spin (a concept in
quantum physics) with electric current. But that is not the
problem. The problem is that fields from high voltage power
lines are not the source of potentially dangerous fields - if
those fields are even dangerous. You have provided numbers
for some observed scientific research - providing numbers that
are only speculative. But those fields are everywhere - even
confronting passengers in a car front seat. The problem is
that you don't provide any useful numbers for making a
conclusion - other than industry benchmark numbers. If field
strength numbers you have provided are accurate, then we all
are at high risk, constantly, in all homes. And would be dying
more often.
Many theories exist on what constitutes dangerous fields.
Some research suggests as little as 1 gauss. A house,
adjacent or not, to high voltage power lines contains no such
fields. Others suggest limits like 100 milligauss. This is
further complicated by how measurements are taken. But again,
the original post is about high voltage transmission lines.
The 'dangerous' fields, if they even are dangerous, are from
elsewhere. Those worrying about fields from a high voltage
power line are using classic "penny rich and pound poor"
BTW, I am not suggesting that citations Bob Crantz has
provided are in error. Bottom line is that we don't really
know what extremely long term health effects of these low
magnetic and electric fields are. But one must live in
reality. That means one must have numbers. Numbers - if
these lower level fields are so dangerous, then we literally
must rewire all homes. If you thought lead paint was a
problem, then removing all TVs and other displays would be
trivial compared to replacing or relocating househould wire.
Yes it could become a problem just like lead paint. Or it
just as easily become another witch hunt. We don't know. But
we do know what fields currently exist in the house. We do
know the source of those 'theoretically dangerous' fields are
not high voltage transmission lines as some totally
irresponsible news anchors suggest. Low voltage, higher
current wires inside walls should cause concern - if concern
is justified. That is what too many if not most posters
failed to comprehend.
Provided is a crude tool to find locations with high
fields. Fields will cause the TV or CRT picture to shimy or
distort. This is a numerical perspective provided by ball
park measurements.
Bob Crantz wrote:
"w_tom" wrote in message
Where are your numbers, Bob Crantz?
Read the NASA citation. There's numbers. Read the handbook for Magnetic
shielding. There's numbers. Every reference I gave has numbers.
A stationary and permanent magnetic creates electricity?
Yes it can, if you move relative to it. Faradays unipolar generator
(featured on the English 20 pound note) needs no relative motion
between the conductor and magnet to produce electricity. Look it up.
Which field is dangerous - electric or magnetic?
They both can be.
And how much?
80 mv transmembrane potential is all it takes.
How much are the fields under a high voltage transmissions lines?
Between the lines take the voltage between them and divide by the
separation of the lines to get the field strength in volts per
meter. If you know the location of the ground below them (as in
electrical ground) you can create the image circuit (using the
method of images) and calculate the field strength also at the
ground level.
And why do you worry about those high voltage wires when
your own citations, instead, discuss lower voltage wires
inside the building?
The high voltage is ionizing the air. Ever hear that crackling
noise? What is the voltage induced in a moving object under a
power line? Any idea? Indoor wiring = very bad!
It is a classic junk science maneuver. Hype some fear.
Provide no numbers. Then when numbers expose the fear as
hype, attack the messenger rather than provide required
Well, where's the proof of your point?
Tell us Bob Crantz. How strong are those fields underneath
that high voltage transmission line? You hyped the fear. But
you forgot to mention whether such fearful numbers even exist
under that transmission line.
100 V/m typically, which would induce 200 volts in a standing
human. 80 mV is all it takes.
In the meantime, others should again remember which electric
lines are accused of being dangerous. Not the high voltage
transmission lines. Even Bob Crantz's own citation discusses
which electric lines were originally suspect. Those low
voltage wires inside the building. Worry more about where the
wire to your electric stove is routed - if there is anything
to even worry about.
I'd really worry about wiring in the house!