Harry Krause wrote:
Gould 0738 wrote:
Probably truck, but it won't be cheap. Thousands of dollars.
Uh, this is boating after all. "Thousands of dollars" for anything
these days
can now be considered cheap. :-)
Last season, a friend fell in love with a sailboat he found in San
Diego, something like a 35-footer, and wanted to buy it and ship it back
to the Annapolis area. Why, I don't know, because there are a zillion
sailboats for sale in this area. Anyway, my recollection is that he was
quoted something like $6000.00 for the move. I think that included
taking down the mast and rigging, and other moving related services.
Apologies just harvesting another completely fabricated lie from the
worlds biggest liar, our own non boating union thug Krause the louse:-)
Anatomy of a Krause lie;
A friend??? what a hoot!!!! this grub is a mentally ill stalker, there
is no "friend" for sure.
Entire middle of the lie is trying to cover the fact it's so irrational
even the lying Krause knows it can't fly.
His "recollection" & "quoted" the standard liars' rouse, so if
challenged he can retreat to the "faulty recollection" or "yes yes the
final price was more sensible" defense; just a lie.
Now all here knowing he has never actually contributed a single boating
thing to this group he didn't steal from the group itself, is he
seriously saying he didn't tell this NG all about his imaginary "friend"
& the boat transport across the country??? After all according to the
lie itself this all happened only "last season"
He "thinks" the price included mast removal etc, again the standard
liars' rouse of already digging escape tunnels should any real boater
laugh in his dumb lying face, as I am now.
This is a total fabrication Krause you post it in your endless lame
attempts to convince people you really are a boater, the more you try &
lie to more you confirm you don't own a boat & never have.