This really pains me about My Man Bush
"Døn ßailey" wrote in message
"MadDogDave" wrote in message
This really upesets me.
White House Admits Pre-9/11 Warnings; Bush Still Denies It
You do realize they get warnings on a daily basis about all sorts of
The day before Flight 800 went down, a major warning was issued
for the following day.
A link was never established. Flight 800 was an terrible unfortunate
James Kallstrom, who headed the FBI investigation on TWA 800 had this to
The September 11th attack was "the first act of terrorism in the U.S. since
TWA 800."
We've been at war with terrorists *on our own soil* since the 1993 WTC
bombing. Unfortunately, the Clinton White House chose to prosecute
terrorists as criminals...instead of holding to account the countries that
sponsored, trained, financed, and equipped them.