This really pains me about My Man Bush
So we have a 2nd 'situation' room just in case the first situation room
comes up short.
If TWA 800 was a terrorist attack. They have done a hell-uv-a job covering
it up. I don't think they're that bright. You think the NTSB, FBI, *and*
White House all know something we don't about TWA 800 and
are keeping a secret?
I can't give 'em that much credit.
"NOYB" wrote in message
"Døn ßailey" wrote in message
"MadDogDave" wrote in message
This really upesets me.
White House Admits Pre-9/11 Warnings; Bush Still Denies It
You do realize they get warnings on a daily basis about all sorts of
The day before Flight 800 went down, a major warning was issued
for the following day.
A link was never established. Flight 800 was an terrible unfortunate
So says the Clinton White House...
However, why did Stephanopoulos call it a bombing awhile ago?
"There are facilities in the White House, not the normal situation room,
which everyone has seen in the past, has seen pictures of. There is a
situation room, behind the primary situation room, which has video
conferencing capabilities. The director of the Pentagon, the defense
can speak from a national military command center at the Pentagon. The
Secretary of State can speak from the State Department, the President from
wherever he is, and they'll have this capability for video conferencing
throughout this crisis. In my time at the White House it was used in the
aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing, in the aftermath of the TWA Flight
800 bombing, and that would be the way they would stay in contact through
the afternoon."