I doubt the US military is *deliberately* killing civilians
I've never seen anybody claim that.
NOYB wrote:
Harry wrote:
"The US military deliberately targets civilians, doh-doh. Why do you
believe that our "hits" on non-combatants are accidental? Because we
say they are? "
Well, there's a reason why I read very few of his posts.
But it's stupid to claim that the U.S. military deliberately targets
civilians... it's pointless and expensive. Now, they *do* kill people
based on intel that may not be entirely correct, and they have been
blowing things up so that Halliburton can rebuild them... minimizing
"collateral damage" while doing so...
The problem here is that when you're playing with such powerful toys,
it's easy to hurt lots of people. Look at that pilot who flew under the
ski lift cable... totally an accident, totally caused by an excess of
testosterone, those people are all still totally dead...
You can understand why many people are skeptical of the motives of the
U.S. military; and *definitely* why many more are skeptical of the
Bush/Cheney administration. But the point stands- the U.S. military has
no interest in slaughtering hapless civilians.