Off the Topic. I'm waiting to see...
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 23:04:11 -0500, JohnH wrote:
Again, please check your punctuation, grammar, and spelling. I cannot understand
what it is you are trying to say.
Had he written something that was pure gibberish, rather than something that
might best (and charitably) described as "sloppy," your complaint might be
reasonable. But as it was, it puts you in a doubly unfavorable light: first, as
a person who'll resort to flames of grammer, punctuation, spelling and syntax,
rather than addressing some argument; or secondly, that you are unable to
parse/decode some moderately convoluted text.
Neither one advances your argument--just as the ongoing mean-spirited tirades
from *both* poles here serve only to further poison the atmosphere in a
once-useful and enjoyable newsgroup.
Joe Parsons
The possible spelling error(s) in this article are intentional. They serve as an
innoculation against speling flaims.
See, assumptions can lead one astray. You give me far too much credit. I, in
fact, could not, other than in a most general sense, understand what he was
trying to say. Therefore, I fully deserve to be placed in your 'unfavorable
light'. I think you and I simply disagree on what is 'pure gibberish'.
Could we agree that his rather convoluted writing in that post would require
more effort to decipher than you were willing to expend at that time? Because
it *is* possible to decipher it.
Addressing an argument requires an understanding of the argument. The language
used in the argument should, therefore, have some precision. We all make
mistakes. But, we don't all call others 'stupid' as we are doing so.
Ah! And therein lies the problem with personal insults and invective! It's not
too far removed from the person who whines and complains incessantly about
off-topic posting--while contributing to the same off-topicness he decries.
I believe there's a place for ****ing people off as an effective argumentation
technique--but I have yet to see that place here. I just see people hurling
meaningless insults, which draw more of the same.
Joe Parsons