I did not mean to spam any of the groups. The only reason for posting was
that I was looking for critics of the articles...
I am not sure what a "binary" is, however finally I have normal access to
newsgroups and can answer this.
Sorry for that message,
Marta Kolasinska
Uzytkownik "Keelworm" napisal w
wiadomosci ...
Ermm... that'll be a binary then. and according to the charter[1] at
http://www.usenet.org.uk/uk.rec.sailing.html that'll be just as naughty as
However, I'd possibly (if I could be arsed) argue that the OP's site (at
first glances) appears to be 'Not-commercial' and also ever so vaguely
relevant to readership[2]. Infact the artical on St Katherine Docks was
pretty interesting.
However, I accept the posting style, similar to my first ever u.r.s
was a little 'Spamity' so will reserve judgement until the Original Poster
either disappears, or stays to fight his corner.
[1] In as much that it's about sailing, and has a couple of articals which
may be of interest to a UK based sailor.
[2] Charter of uk.rec.sailing
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