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Black Dog
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Don White wrote:
"Black Dog" wrote in message
. ..

This is the one he wants:

$40,000 - still more than we can afford - but it is sooo cute - and it
was built in Lunenburg, which has some sentimental value since I am
originally a bluenoser (although my British-born Ontario-raised husband
is more sentimenal about Nova Scotia than I am)

That price seems reasonable...if not too much work is required.
Where would you sail?

The price is reasonable. And I have relatives at A.F. Theriault & Sons
shipyard where much of her work was done so I could find out what shape
she REALLY is in. But it is an WOODEN boat. Hubby really doesn't
comprehend the upkeep involved. He should, he has seen how surprised my
Mom is every spring when we just drop the boat into the water instead of
spending a few weeks caulking and painting and doing all the stuff she
watched men do to boats during her girlhood.

We are fresh water sailors and if this were to come to pass (it is just
a dream at the moment - but that's what I thought about the FIRST
sailboat too) she would probably lie in Little Current, Manitoulin
Island. He would like to sail her from St.John up the St.Lawerence and
into the Lakes.

OTOH, he is very near retirement and has a fancy to retire to Nova
Scotia (I told you he was more sentimental than me). I like the south
shore, Mahone Bay/Lunenburg area, unfortunately it is so popular with
our southern neighbours the price of real estate has skyrocketed. So
(were she to become ours) she could end up in Meteghan, on St. Mary's
Bay. The price of land on the French Shore is still reasonable (likely
to remain so as long the Yanks hate french people - luckily, many
Americans are too ignorant to know the 400 year-old difference between
an Acadian and someone from France).
