Off the Topic. I'm waiting to see...
"Jack Meholf" wrote in message news:bpJDb.370587$Dw6.1208902@attbi_s02...
Sounds like you have already made up your mind what the truth is, and don't
want anything to change your mind.
At least he made up his own mind, as opposed to goose-stepping to the Bush Reich.
"Gould 0738" wrote in message
Aljazeera sounds an awful lot like Al Jazirah...a town in Syria that I
suspect you'll be hearing a lot more about in the near future. Can you
"WMD's"? ;-)
After enough interrogation, Saddam Hussein will eventually be brought
around to
say anything and everything the administration hopes to hear.
We'll all switch from a position that the lying ******* couldn't tell the
if his life depended on it to believing every syllable he utters that
exonerates our motives for invading Iraq.
They say truth is the first casualty of war.
First causualty of politics too, unfortunately.