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Default Off the Topic. I'm waiting to see...

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 05:22:26 -0500, Harry Krause wrote:

Joe Parsons wrote:

Much more sustainable--even *with* the split infinitive[1].

But you'd be opening a whole new can of worms:

Opening a new can of worms might help you, too, Joe, since the ones in
the can you've already opened have stopped wiggling.

Did GWB knowingly misrepresent the intelligence available at the time of the
decision to commit our country to war? There's no way to know for certain-

Sure there is. Bush simply has to tell the truth.

And I greatly appreciate your pointing out the error of my ways, minor though
they be (at least in this case).

Did your nose hit the pavement on this particular bow, scrape and
shuffle? Sheesh.

ould you have me list
all the posts in which Gould has supported Harry and vice-versa?

You know, I went back quickly to see if I could find cases where that had
happened. I didn't find any instances of Gould supporting Krause. He may be
aligned on certain issues, sure--but that, in my opinion, is a far cry from
"supporting" him, let alone being his "bud."

You need a real hobby, fella. I suggest collecting toenail jam. In fact,
you might consider going to toenail jam meets, where you might compare
your collection of toenail jam with the collections of the toenail jam
of others. I'm sure you'll find the support, alignment and "buds" you so
desperately seek.

I'm afraid my
ISP would balk at the size of the post! (In fact, I think they're starting to
look at *this* thread pretty carefully.)

Then you really need to think about getting a different ISP.

Joe Parsons

Wait, wait, the paint on the ceiling *is* starting to dry...and beige
was the right color.

Joe - If you have read the above, maybe you'll understand better the post I made
in response to yours five minutes ago.

We are talking a 'bud' here. Eventually it may bloom. God help us.

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD