I feel like this topic has degenerated into a discussion of whether or
not RayMarine has produced a radome which is balanced along an x/y
axis. Let's just assume that it isn't based upon my imperical
evidence. The dome weighs 14 Lbs and that's approximately distributed
as 8 lb on the starboard side and 6 lb on the port side. This is not
an exact measurement nor is my estimate of a 5 degree tilt to one side.
It's a guess, but it's real.
Regardless of the actual weight or angle, the real question is whether
or not the pendular offset will remain constant at all angles of heel.
If you look at the photo which I referenced before (
http://www.questusmarine.com/2kwradars18diameter10.html ), you'll see
that the center of effort (perhaps the wrong term) is 1" to 2" below
the center of rotation of the gimballed mount. From that attachment
point, the arm holding the radar platform extends about 11" and is
offset about 5 degrees from perpendicular to the horizon. If I attach
the the radar platform such that is parallel to the horizon when the
boat is not heeled, will it remain so when the boat is heeled to either
side? I think so, but was just checking my logic.
Please note that I'm in Guatemala and Internet access is iffy. Please
just try to work with me and answer this based upon the data provided.
-- Geoff