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"Jim Carter" wrote in message

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Vietnam Vet Freezes To Death Christmas Eve

...................................snip........... .........................
A very high percentage of homeless males in that age group are
Vietnam-era vets. Of those, an extremely high number are suffering form
some sort of mental illness. It's too bad we no longer have a safety net.

Only in America........Billions of dollars spent on war and not enough to
have housing for the homeless.

Which is why we should have used the $350 million that we sent to Indonesia
on our own fellow countrymen.

When I was in Havana, last winter, I noticed a signboard on a large
in the downtown area. On this sign was written, in English, " 30,000
children slept in the streets last night. Not one was Cuban." This
is in reference to the homeless in the USA. In Cuba, everyone has a
home,provided by the government, or built by the people themselves.

LOL. Why'd you come back?

There are homeless people living in the streets of Toronto, but it is
choice to do so. Not anyone here has to be homeless. Our government will
provide a place for people to sleep so they can come in out of the cold.

And there are places in the US for *our* homeless people. The article that
Harry cited said:

"Joe Young died in single-digit cold a few blocks from a shelter where he
had previously stayed and a few days before he was to move into an
apartment that had been arranged for him."