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"Bob Crantz" wrote in message

If change is so bad, why do you keep going back?

I go to ski, I go to see old friends, I go to be in the mountains. But I
don't have to like what's been done to the town. I have the right to bitch
about it. So do the locals, most of whom bitch about it constantly and
incessantly. Next you'll be asking them why they don't move away.

Go to Crested Butte if you
want small town.

We skied Crusted Butt once, and thought the mountain/trails were okay, if
not great. Small town or not, it's still far more urban than Breckenridge
was in the 70s.

Go to Ski Cooper if you want a small area.

Who said anything about wanting a "small area?" Breckenridge, even when it
was owned by the Aspen Ski Corp., was not a small ski area. To the
contrary, it was one of the ten largest in the state.

quaintness and small town are not at the top of your list, you continue to
go there for some other reason.

See above.

Ski Mt Quandary if you want a real ski

Life's too short to waste even a weekend there.


God will getcha for all that phony Bible-thumping. g
