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Bart Senior wrote:
Fact: The networks failed to declare OHIO for Bush for hours
when it was clear he won. Only a deluded Kerry hoped he won

Bart, you might want to go back and review the way it really happened...

Check out the times at which announcements were made by the Kerry
campaign, the "major" networks (which really aren't any more), and the
Ohio Commissioner of Elections.

... Kerry was bolstered by the networks who couldn't conceive
he would lose. Neither Bush nor Cheney thought they lost Ohio.

Actually, they both did. Bush was going around cheering up his campaign
headquarters workers, a nice touch.

Kerry lost because he is a phony, spinelss, liberal, willing to sell out
our country for his own gain.

Maybe if you had something positive to say about President Bush instead
of a constant stream of irrational paranoid-sounding hatred against his
opponents, you'd be taken more seriously.

... He lost because he failed to reveal
his and his wife's tax returns.

That's ludicrous. Presidential candidates are required by law to reveal
certain financial statements including tax returns and major stock
holdings. That's why President Bush & V.P. Cheney released theirs... do
you think they did it out of the goodness of their hearts?

Perhaps you remember in 1999, Dick Cheney angrily declared he'd do no
such thing and was quietly informed he had to... one of the few times he
has actually knuckled under to the rules.

... He lost because he bailed out of
Vietnam after only serving four months, while everyone else served
the normal one year tour.


You might want to rethink that one.

Fact: Kerry did not win the popular vote.

No, but Gore did

Finally, I think it is disgraceful that the networks are so biased and try
to influence elections with their biased reporting.

Of course you do.

So tell us all, in a calm and un-biased way, what the Bush
Administration has done well. So far all you've done is bash the other guys.