Ok krause,,, lets look at what you said this time,,,
'''"'''He's a perfect example of why I have little
respect for the institution of "the military."'''''
Notice the "little" krause always has a backup, an easy escape from his
krause you have no respect for anyone,, not your puppets, not those more
knowledgeable than you, especially those, not me, not your own family
krause,, I mean you yourself said that your own children left you, promising
never to associate with you,, but lets look further,,,
"''''while I respect individuals in the military, I have no
respect for the military establishment."""""
there is that easy little escape krause the psychopathic liar uses, he must
be on the meds again,, I can almost predict the toothless old 76 year old
senile fool's next posting,,,
But the military that is made up of individuals,,, krause doesn't respect,,
no wait,, just a little,, but definitely doesn't respect the military which
is made up of individuals, teams and of course computers and equipment, now
do you respect the teams krause? the computers? the guns? What is it that
you don't respect exactly?? I mean you shoot guns all the time, you enjoy
freedom, you don't respect the military because you don't like Bush's
driving habits? You never drove your vehicle after a few beers krause??
You're more confused than a termite in a yo-yo there krause,,, better write
that down and ask the meds dispenser people at the clinic their
'"''''"And the fact that a useless
gasbag like you sucked off the taxpayers while you made a "career" of
YOUR incompetency '"''''''
Listen to you krause,,, you who had to hide behind the protection of a union
your whole working career,, holding two union cards. You have the nuts to
insult someone else?? You couldn't compete in the workplace so you had to
collectively point that gun (yet you hate the military) at the employers
heads until they moved to China for more cooperative labor,, you are a
laborer there krause and not a very smart one at that and you are who sucked
off your union members to maintain your local brotherhood of pickle packers
and you ****ed the working man in America, the economy and yours and my
grandchildren krause,, now all of our grandchildren have to pay for your
greedy, ignorant methods of obtain (and holding on to) employment and you
talk of someone else's career or incompetence,,,, lol,,, krause,, you are
the limit,,,, but lets move on,,,,
'"'''''''the military only reinforces my feeling. Further,
the fact that you were in the military does not speak highly for its
physical or mental standards.""""""
Lol,, now you don't respect the military yet you respect the individuals but
you badmouth their "physical or mental standards",,,, krause,, your little
escape this time had a road block,, duh,,, lol,,krause your definately on
the meds tonight,,, gonna be a looooooooong night,,,, and who gives a ****
about your feelings,,,, lol,,, or is that another escape route,,, just stick
with the facts krause,,,, just the facts,,,, and if you didn't respect the
military,, why do you allow it to reinforce your feelings,,, manipulate your
mind,,, play with the back of your brain,,,
So you are influenced by something you do not respect,,,,
come on krause,,,, lets see what the hells could be next,,,,
'"'''''As for bravery versus cowardice, my service to my country in Vietnam
a tad more dangerous than yours.'''''"'
lol,,, o my budda,,, I cannot believe krause you flipped me this bone,,,
lol,,, ouch,,, that is the best,,, lets look
Bravery,, krause you are the biggest coward online,,, where does your false
teeth get off even allowing a word like that to pass them. Your service to
your country,,, lol,,, I bet those Vietnam vets would spit on you had they
read some of your posts,,,,, and why are you such a racists to Asians
krause?? You only spent 3 days in bangkok?? lol,,, krause come on,,, hard to
believe there krause,,, and what could be the dangerous service there in
Vietnam there krause,,, peeling potatoes with a sharp knife??? I bet that is
exactly what you are talking about,,, the dangers of cutting your finger,,,
god knows what would happen should they put a gun in your hands,,, lol,,
probably shoot your own foot,, again,,,, lol,,, krause,,, I cannot believe
you were in the military, which you don't respect, in Vietnam, smoking agent
orange,,, this certainly explains a lot,, but lets work with it,,, Thanks
for the bone,, Can you tell me what years??? lol,,,,