Dave wrote:
Technophobe? I love it! You should realize that 25 years ago I was
programing spacecraft navigation for NASA. I'm now retired from IBM
after spending about 30 years working on cutting edge technology.
I'm not afraid of technology, I just have a realistic view of its
Hear hear. 40 year ago I was writing in assembler for a then
state-of-the-art scientific computer the size of a medium sized desk. 15
years ago, as a hobby, I was writing assembler and a couple of other
languages for a z-80 based machine.
Technophobe indeed.
A Z-80? Wow, 15 years ago that was already obsolete, given that Windows
3 and OS/2 were already running on 486's by then. What are you, a
Let's see, 40 years ago - the IBM 1620 was over the hill, the 1401 was
commonly used but hardly "state of the art." The 7090 was bigger than a
desk, as was the CDC 6600. Maybe the 360, though you would have had to
be special to see one in 1965. I'll guess one of the early Digital's,
like the PDP 7 or 8.