wrote in message
Room temperature JimH called me a "liar" when I said the right wing
would try to blame the shortages on John Kerry, Hillary Clinton.....(or
liberals in general)......
Here's another one for you to choke on, JimH. From that bastion of
liberalism www.****france.com:
By rparrott21 Comments: 123, member since Mon Apr 07, 2003
On Thu Dec 23, 2004 05:53 PM
If you really want to lay blame on the militaries equipment problems,
go back to 1992 to 2001 and see who the president's were.
Bill and Hilliary and there you will find the answers to all your
questions and the lack of armor and other things...
Will you now claim that I'm a forger as well as a liar, or will you
check the site? (Judging from the spelling and punctuation in this
guy's post, you may have a lot in common- by each having only a
Very reputable source Chuck.
Nice try.