"Leanne" wrote in :
"Larry W4CSC" wrote in message
"David&Joan" wrote in
Yeah, but Hilton Head and Beaufort just don't SMELL the
Don't pick on us because we don't have any paper mills.... :-)
Or sugar refineries or gypsum wallboard plants or chemical plants or
fertilizer factories.
Savannah doesn't stink near as bad as it did in the 60's when I came South.
God, then it was just awful! There were pipes on buildings you passed on
US 17 on your way into town that had IODINE VAPORS spewing out of them!
You could hardly breathe!
I was told by someone born and raised in Savannah that they sold their
souls to the devil during the Depression, promising not to prosecute
polluters if they would just give them JOBS along the river. The river is
polluted, anyways, from way upstream by the nuke plant at Aiken and the
Sangamo capacitor plant dumping PCBs into the lakes way upstream.