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"del cecchi" wrote in message

"Billgran" wrote in message
. ..

"Del Cecchi" wrote in message

The suzuki 4stroke 140 is 410lb, the Evinrude 135/150 is 419lb

(4 cyl. motor vs. a V6)

The suzuke 200/225 is 580lb while the Evinrude is 524lb

...and how much does the Yamaha F225, Honda 225, and the Merc Verado

weigh compared to the Evinrude V6?

Bill Grannis
service manager

Now Bill, I was just refuting your generalization that the Bombardier
motors were lighter than 4 strokes. And I don't have the motor guide
out of bass and walleye boats handy.

The Yamaha 115 and merc version also aren't much heavier than my 115
carb'd two stroke as I recall.

And why should I want a V6 Evinrude instead of a 4cyl Suzuki? What's
the big deal with the V6? Cars used them (4 stroke of course) because
they reused much of the tooling and parts for the V8s that already
existed. And apparently 2 stroke inline 4s have issues leading to
bizarre solutions like the 2+2 on my Merc. But the 4 in my accord is
just peachy, as is the one in my CB750.

So, what is superior about the Evinrude 135/150 as compared to the
Suzuki ?

Ok looked up the yamaha. The 200/225/250 are 580-590 lb. The 150 is
466 lb.

So looks like maybe 50 lb over the Evinrude. Is 50 lb a big deal?

What is the relative selling price?

If I was shopping I would buy a 4 stroke at this point in time.

del cecchi


My "gerneralization" on wieght was meant for engines with the same number
of cylinders, mostly the popular 200hp range and higher. The midrange motors
70-175 are a mix of 3,4, and 6 cylinders and can't be compared that way.

What year CB750? I had a CB750 K2 that I rode for 27 years, even when I had
Harleys, too. Sold all kinds of parts, hop-up stuff, repair kits, etc. on
Ebay last summer. I couldn't believe the prices the people paid and the
interest in those old bikes.

Your other post mentioned information dribbling out about DFI motors, all
that is open knowledge in boating magazines, Internet forums, Industtry
publications, Industry news sources, etc. Ask away if you have any specific
questions, you know my credentials and credibilty after all these years.

Bill Grannis
service manager