Harry Krause wrote:
K. Smith wrote:
Here are some:
Indeed, my father was a boat dealer and marina owner for nearly 30
years. For many years running, his dealership sold more Evinrudes than
any other in Connecticut, and, for some years, more than any other
dealer in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.
Cruisers, Inc., Mackinac- 22 owned by dad
Century Coronado - used one a few times.
Bill Luders 16, as sweet a sailboat as ever caught a breeze. - dad
bought his new directly
from bill luders
Century 19' wood lapstrake with side wheel steering i remember it
well; a trade in.
Cruisers, Inc. 18' and 16' wood lapstrakes - dad sold this line
for many years. Wolverines. Molded plywood. Gorgeous. Several.
14,15,17 footers -sold this line, too
with various
Lighting class sailboat - yep, kept at Milford. Botved Coronet
with twin 50 hp Evinrudes. Interesting boat. - my dad was the sole us
distributor for three years, and then a key dealer.
Aristocraft (a piece of junk...13', fast, held together with spit) -
yep pretty crap
Alcort Sunfish yep
Ancarrow Marine Aquiflyer. 22' footer with two Caddy Crusaders.
Guaranteed 60 mph. In the late 1950's. - correct.
Skimmar brand skiff - my favorite rowboat
Arkansas Traveler fiberglass bowrider (I think it was a bowrider)
another line my father handled
Dyer Dhow
Su-Mark round bilge runabout, fiberglass - tough but ugly little
glass runabout
Penn Yan runabouts. Wood. - yep beautiful, canvas covered cedar
Old Town wood and canvas canoe yep. Old Town sailing
canoe...different than above canoe
What did your dad do, Ms, Smith, aside from drink?
More of the "father" lie hey Krause??? don't rush ahead we're getting
the father series soon enough just be patient, I even have the source of
where you got one of the whoppers:-)
Krause's lie of the day is a bit of a double header sorry, but so
many lies so little time:-)
Whenever his total lack of any real boating knowledge looks like
uncovering him as the sad little liar he is, he posts some crazy list of
boats he claims are his base, here are just a few of his claims, he has
tried to sustain these lies & as each one is shown to be a fabrication
he just invents a new one, the latest is the "Parker".
Don't feel conned nor stupid if you've been taken in by him, he
make exactly the same lies up in the jet ski NGs when he used to pollute
them with his crap, can you believe it he claimed to be a jet skier!!!!!
(responsible & caring in the socialist way of course:-))
This idiot has never owned a boat & never will he is totally devoid
of any boating experience nor knowledge, other than what he picks up in
this NG & the occasional paid charter fishing trip.
Here are some:
Hatteras 43' sportfish
Swan 41' racing/cruising sloop
Morgan 33
O'Day 30
Cruisers, Inc., Mackinac 22
Century Coronado
Bill Luders 16, as sweet a sailboat as ever caught a breeze.
Century 19' wood lapstrake with side wheel steering
Cruisers, Inc. 18' and 16' wood lapstrakes
Wolverines. Molded plywood. Gorgeous. Several. 14,15,17 footers
with various
Lighting class sailboat
Botved Coronet with twin 50 hp Evinrudes. Interesting boat.
Aristocraft (a piece of junk...13', fast, held together with spit)
Alcort Sunfish
Ancarrow Marine Aquiflyer. 22' footer with two Caddy Crusaders.
Guaranteed 60 mph. In the late 1950's.
Skimmar brand skiff
Arkansas Traveler fiberglass bowrider (I think it was a bowrider)
Dyer Dhow
Su-Mark round bilge runabout, fiberglass
Penn Yan runabouts. Wood.
Old Town wood and canvas canoe
Old Town sailing canoe...different than above canoe
I own the following boats:
a 36' "lobster" style boat
a 19' center console fishing boat
an 11' inflatable dinghy
1/2 of a canoe
Those are the types of boats I currently own. I'm also in the market for
some interesting kind of lightweight flatbottomed skiff, similar to the
old Skimmar, for the "new" 51-year-old 10 hp outboard I recently bought.
One of the boats is kept on dry land within a half mile of Chesapeake
Bay. One is kept at a private covered boat dock in a little creek off
Chesapeake Bay. One is kept in the backyard of a friend who lives much
closer to the Shenandoah River than I do. And one is kept next to the