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The YoYoMan
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¨ "The YoYoMan" escribió en el mensaje
¨ ...
¨ Ep!
¨ where is the zero point of "sea level" (gps coordinates) ????
¨ in what sea/ocean ????
¨ in what point ???
¨ I think the reference is not a point but a surface, the geoid surface, which
¨ is an oblate spheroid that is determined I think by measuring the gravity (I
¨ don't know how, thpough). This gives 0 meter altitude.
¨ how is measured altitude of mountains ?
¨ how mach meters have the Gaorisankar (Everest) ???
¨ some people say 8.848 others 8.850... what is correct ???
¨ Actually the Chinese are just sending a mission to determine the new height
¨ of the Everest, since it is believed that Everest snow cap is melting down
¨ due to global warming.

what ? :-) snow are a thing variable!!! stupid people not insert a bar of metal
in snow for found the real top of rock ? oooooh my god!!!

¨ Dead sea is at "sea level" ???
¨ Dead sea is approx 400m below sea level.

a sea and his "sea level" are under "sea level" ???? very crazy no ?

¨ the big depression in water surface in Indic ocean of -300m. is also at
¨ "sea
¨ level" ??
¨ I didn't know that. Where did you find that ?

in book:
1001 things everyone should know about science
by james trefil

¨ after indic tsunami and global changes in planet "sea level" also sufer
¨ variations ???
¨ Actually, parts of sumatra shore ahev dived under water, beacuse the
¨ earthquake have lowered part of the island. The variation of sea level was
¨ but transient, as far as I know.

after gibraltar terra connection with africa break the sea level of all
mediterranian coast make a big elevation... if a wall are builded another time
betheen africa and al-andalus the "sea level" of mediterranean sea return to his
original level... and many cities and constructions rising...

¨ a reveure des Catalunya, the YoYoMan :-)
¨ Doncs si home, a reveure ! Que vagi be a Catalunya ! Coneixes-tu foros de
¨ geología en castellá o en catalá ? En vaig buscar pero no vaig trobar rés.
llistes en catala:
La Teranyina - Samizdat. Llistes de correu dels Països Catalans
tambe potser trobes quelcom a :
a l'institut cartografic de catalunya:

dona un cop d'ull a les llistes de i no t'estranys que encara
aquests paios escriguin amb ploma natural, potet de tinta i suca que sucaras :-)

per cert has mirat la ESRA o ESNA la base de dades en 3-d de la nasa de la terra
de la zona dels pirineus ?

fins aviat i que vagui be pel canada! :-)