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Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 10:34:39 -0500, "Ship Skipper"

A Central Florida Sea Scout group could use your help. They are

looking for
someone to donate a 16-18 ft Center Console power boat so they can

Search and Rescue with. This boat will also be used to keep the

local lakes
and rivers clean so others can enjoy them. The boat must not have

any leaks,
and the engine runs. If it has any thing else with it, ie. Trailer,
Fishfinder, GPS, VHF Radio, it will be a bonus. So if you would like

donate your boat or know someone who would, please reply to this

message. By
donating your boat to this group, you can get a tax break.

Sea Scouts is a high adventure co-ed group for ages 14-21. Sea

Scouts is the
best kept secret in Boy Scouts. Some of the things that Sea Scouts

are, Sailing, Motor boating, Rules of the Road, Day/Night Time

Bouys, Markers, Swimming, The Sextant, Morse Code, Flag Semaphore,
Electronics, Radio Communication, and the list goes on. Some of the

things that they do is, Snorkling, Scuba Diving, White Water

Skiing, and Search and Rescues. They also work hand in hand with the

U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Power Squadron. Another words, If it

has to
do with water, the Sea Scouts do it.

I'll be darn dang nabbed. I was a Sea Scout WAY back long time ago -
I didn't know they were still part of the Boy Scouts.

Good luck and if you guys are ever looking for donations, give a



Hey Tom, we got a great bunch of seascouts down here in Essex, they
operate out of the River Mueseum at the landing. If you ever want to
head down stream and check em' out, give a hollar, I will set you up
with them.