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Capt. Mooron
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"Lonny Bruce" wrote in message

All that means is that if you have RAID 0 you won't know which hard drive
has been infected, and if you have RAID 1 then both hard drives will be
infected. A RAID array does nothing to protect you against worms or
viruses, only hard drive failures, and a RAID 0 array won't even protect
you against that. In fact a RAID 0 increases the chances that you will
have a mechanical failure at some point.

My computer is set up with both RAID 0 and RAID 1 (RAID 1+0) so that I get
the benefits of boths types of systems. The two hard drives set up in
RAID 0 speed up all reading and writing functions, so opening programs
takes half the time, writing or reading data takes half the time. Then I
have two more hard drives in a RAID 1 array, automatically backing up
everything that happens in the RAID 0 array. For a total of 4 120GB hard
drives. (240 GB storage capacity, plus a complete backup).

Nice set-up.... I simply have a complete 80 gig with OS & all programs
loaded. All data is saved to the pony drives. They are not connected until I
require the files. Then again.. like I said... I've never been infected with
a worm or a Trojan... let alone a virus.