How about some grand paddling adventures on the Amazon River and its
tributaries in the tropical rainforest? Jungle camping with anacondas
and tarantulas! Are you up the challenge?
I am seeking partners for one or more of three expeditions in the
Amazon rainforest.
1. An 8 day commercial canoe or kayak trip from Iquitos, Peru on the
Amazon and Napo rivers, with a local guide. Camping and staying at
lodges. Around March 18-26, 2005. Price US$1150. So far, they have no
one else booked in March, and I would like to not be the only client.
Also, I would like to meet other adventurers who may want to join the
other trips below.
2. A 14 day independent, no fee, canoe or kayak trip from Iquitos Peru,
up the Tahuayo River and Quebrada Blanco in the Tamshiyaku-Tahuayo
Community Reserve. This area has the highest biodiversity on Earth.
Wilderness camping in the rainforest. I will buy or rent the boats in
Iquitos. Around March 31-April 13, 2005.
3. A 10 day independent, no fee, kayak trip from Macapa, Brazil to
Marajo Island in the Amazon delta. The challenge is to kayak across the
most powerful river on Earth at its highest flow of the year.
Wilderness camping in the rainforest. We should bring inflatable kayaks
to Macapa, as these are portable by plane and very stable in rough
waters. Around May 3-12, 2005.
I am passionate and determined to complete these expeditions.
Partners must have a strong desire for adventure, and be tolerant of
discomfort and problems. Partners are expected to have backcountry
experience, and be be physically fit.
The expedition months are in the rainy season, when the rivers are
high, so we can canoe between trees and see more wildlife. The
expedition river areas do not have whitewater rapids, but some have
fast currents. We will travel at a moderate pace and bring all our
supplies (no hunting). We will sleep in good tents. We will use
non-motorized boats as much as possible. I have maps for all the
expedition areas, and they have grids to find GPS receiver positions.
High water: not finding land for camp, malaria, hostile locals,
anacondas, poisonous snakes, caiman alligators, tarantulas, scorpions,
army ants, giant stinging ants, infected insect bites, jaguars,
piranhas, electric eels, candiru fish, leeches, pink dolphin
changelings, tidal bores, plus all the 'usual' hazards of kayaking. A
lot of these hazards are far less dangerous than depicted in movies and
urban myths, but we will bring gear and use techniques to control these
About me:
My name is Chris Goulet. I'm a 42 yr old guy with about 1000 days of
backcountry experience. My thirst for adventure has taken me on
canoeing, kayaking, rafting and even pedalboating expeditions on remote
lakes, rivers and tidal estuaries. I have done mountaineering and long
distance bicycle touring in Canada, USA, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, and
Bolivia. My home is in Alberta, Canada where I work as an electric
power station operator.
If these trips suit your interest, abilities, budget and schedule,
please contact me.
email: chris_goulet at (email address is anti-spammed)
Tel: 780 827 5312
Expedition web site:
Adventure travelogue:
Magnetic declination for compasses