Thread: Live aboard
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"Short Wave Sportfishing" wrote in message
On 14 Feb 2005 10:22:31 -0800, "Ed" wrote:

I am wondering if any one on this list lives aboard there boat? If so
how do you like it? Pro and cons ? At what size should a person keep
there boat at a marina or trailer it back and forth ?

I have talked to a lot of live aboard types and they all seem to have
one thing in common - boats over 35 feet long and it's almost never
for more than a summer's worth at best. I can't think of any that are
of my aquaintance who live on board all year 'round. I'm sure there
are some, I just don't know them. Up in NE, I wouldn't think it to be
very practical type of living.

There are about a half dozen year round live aboards at my marina......they
are all in the 40+ range.............They shrink wrap themselves in during
the winter and bubble......I don't care how much heat you pump into those
things, the could has got to transmit right through the is
bad enough in the spring and late fall when it dips into the 40's.

I think they are nuts.

I'm not sure there are any pro to living aboard - I can think of about
a hundred cons right off the top of my head beginning with confined
spaces and what that does to the human psyche.

As to trailering a boat - 26' is about the max length at 8.5' wide
which is the Federal width limit. You will probably need something in
the one ton truck category for that kind of towing. I had a 32'
Contender CC with a special trailer used only for storage and it was a
neat deal, but sometimes it would be unwieldy.

Other towing considerations would be how agile you are, types of
launches that will accept a boat/trailer/truck combination and the
type of trailer.

The biggest deal is the tow vehicle though - it's actually the primary

