Thread: Live aboard
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John H
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On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:08:29 GMT, Short Wave Sportfishing

On 14 Feb 2005 10:22:31 -0800, "Ed" wrote:

I am wondering if any one on this list lives aboard there boat? If so
how do you like it? Pro and cons ? At what size should a person keep
there boat at a marina or trailer it back and forth ?

I have talked to a lot of live aboard types and they all seem to have
one thing in common - boats over 35 feet long and it's almost never
for more than a summer's worth at best. I can't think of any that are
of my aquaintance who live on board all year 'round. I'm sure there
are some, I just don't know them. Up in NE, I wouldn't think it to be
very practical type of living.

I'm not sure there are any pro to living aboard - I can think of about
a hundred cons right off the top of my head beginning with confined
spaces and what that does to the human psyche.

As to trailering a boat - 26' is about the max length at 8.5' wide
which is the Federal width limit. You will probably need something in
the one ton truck category for that kind of towing. I had a 32'
Contender CC with a special trailer used only for storage and it was a
neat deal, but sometimes it would be unwieldy.

Other towing considerations would be how agile you are, types of
launches that will accept a boat/trailer/truck combination and the
type of trailer.

The biggest deal is the tow vehicle though - it's actually the primary



We need Chuck to jump in here and talk about some of the 'live-aboards' in Lake
Washington. Some of those folks have two-story, 2500 square-foot floating

John H

On the 'PocoLoco' out of Deale, MD,
on the beautiful Chesapeake Bay!

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Rene Descartes