Thread: Hey I am back
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"basskisser" wrote in message

Dr. Jonathan Smithers, MD Phd. wrote:
What are you accusing me of? I am amazed that you would stoop to so

low as
to lie concerning my character. Have you made up with your wife, or

is she
still upset about the abuse charges filed against you.

Please show what you know about such "charges filed". Who filed them?
For what? Don't tell me you are going to go to the bottom of the barrel
with the liars Fritz, and JimH. At least JohnH hasn't gone down with
the rest of the rats. He may not be the swiftest person here, but at
least he has enough brains not to lie and slander someone just because
he loses an argument.

It is not slander or libel if it is true.

And you are fully aware of your DWI arrest a couple of months ago and your
trouble with alcohol.

Time to face up to the problem and lick it Bassy. We are here to help you.