wrote in message
One reason the Seattle show posted record ticket sales is that two
previous shows where combined into a single event (for the second year
in a row). The comparisons are being made between the combined shows
and the old records for the indoor show only.
The gate was actually down a little bit at the outdoor show. Two of the
ten days were essentially "rained out."
But it isn't the number of people who show up that make a successful
show, it's the number of people who show up and who are willing to
write a big check.
The boat business is *very good* right now in the Seattle area. Several
regional builders are sold out until 2006.
Selling well: boats under 20 feet and boats over 45 feet.
(lots of activity under $50k, lots of activity over $500k, a surprising
number of buyers in the 7-figure range.)
The well off have plenty of money to spend, the middle class is still
more or less MIA
I've got news for you: The middle class are the folks buying the $50k and
under boats.