Help! need miniature float switch for bilge pump?
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wrote in news:1108934657.631828.84490
Help me out here! My sailboat has a very shallow bilge, such that with
the ordinary Rule bilge pump that sits in it, there is always lots of
water left. But there is also a small deep pocket (just a few inches
wide) that is too small to get a bilge pump into. I plan to install a
self-priming pump remotely and lead a hose into this little bilge
pocket, but I still have the problem of the switch. I can't find a
float switch small enough to fit into this pocket and leave room for a
hose reaching to the bottom.
The air bell on the jabso Hydro Air Switch is bigger than what I'm
hoping to find.
If you know of a very small float switch, or conductivity switch, or
other approriate switch that would be appropriate please let me know.
Gems sensors has a variety of level switches, not specifically intended
for marine use, but see for yourself at:
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