John H wrote in message . ..
On Fri, 26 Dec 2003 22:46:54 GMT, "Clams Canino"
Regardless of agenda or bias, the premise is basically true. Husseins
capture is unlikely to seriously harm or impact Al Qaeda. The connection -
if any - appears tangental at the most. The only way it can impact Al Qaeda
is to throw a scare into the corrupt states that look the other way as
opposed to ****ing off thier more radical elements.
Iraq wasn't about Al Qaeda and was *never* billed as such. It was billed
(right or wrong) as about WMD. In reality it *was* about throwing a scare
into the hearts of the corrupt govornments of the Middle East, estsablishing
another big, friendly, oil supply to allow us to lean harder on Saudi
Arabia, and to get us a new staging area to squeeze the assholes over there.
Was it worth it -aske a veteran like John Kerry !