OT Credible journalism or a touch of bias -- OT
"Clams Canino" wrote in message news:yT2Hb.468865$Dw6.1379682@attbi_s02...
Regardless of agenda or bias, the premise is basically true. Husseins
capture is unlikely to seriously harm or impact Al Qaeda. The connection -
if any - appears tangental at the most. The only way it can impact Al Qaeda
is to throw a scare into the corrupt states that look the other way as
opposed to ****ing off thier more radical elements.
Iraq wasn't about Al Qaeda and was *never* billed as such. It was billed
(right or wrong) as about WMD.
Let me ask a question here. Is it at all possible that the convoys of
trucks tracked into Seria the last few weeks while the French,
Russians, and Germans held the majority of the member countries back,
were the very carefully accounted for WMD moving to the Bekka (sp?)
valley in Lebanon? Could we really know where they are, and are just
waiting for a good chance to go and get them? Is this not even
possible? How come it never comes in as a part of these conversations?
Could it be that the Bush administration has the courage to take all
the crap from detractors so as not to let the cat out of the bag as it
were? Remember, GWB like his dad does not spend a lot of time
addressing the usual diatribe from the left, he spends more time being
president, for better or worse. It is the very same mistake his dad
made, letting the fabrications go unchecked before the election.
Soooommme presidents, only interested in face time might just make a
big issue of it, send in a couple of missles, look really good in the
poles, and scatter the bugs further afterall. Saddam if nothing else
was known for having a very effective book keeping and tracking system
for most of his stuff. Just noting... Sorry Harry if thinking a little
beyond the DNC talking points makes me a right wing nutsie... gotta
hate that free speech.
In reality it *was* about throwing a scare
into the hearts of the corrupt govornments of the Middle East, estsablishing
another big, friendly, oil supply to allow us to lean harder on Saudi
Arabia, and to get us a new staging area to squeeze the assholes over there.
The ultimate success (or failure) of that stratagy will take some time to
pan out. Clearly using WMD as the "front story" didn't work out exactly as
intended. Iraq is a pawn in a much bigger chess game - only time will tell
how the game plays out.
"John H" wrote in message
Today's Washington Post has an article entitled "Hussein's Capture Not
Likely to Harm Al Qaeda," written by Dana Priest, a Washington Post
Staff Writer. The article is not long, maybe 20 column inches, but was
interesting because of the sources she cites. Some are reproduced