yeh, I got a $25 smart charger (6 amp) from W*l-Mart and it works great.
Called Vector or Victor or something. 't's all I need.
"Short Wave Sportfishing" wrote in message

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 15:45:01 -0600, Jim wrote:
Is there any procedure that I need follow to charge my deep cell
batteries? I have a "Marine" 12 volt charger. When I try to charge them
it seems to take a very long time and I have never charged them fully
because I am worried about the long charges. How long should it take to
charge a deep cell?
Here's a guess. You are probably trying to charge the battery with a
trickle battery charger. Probably need a larger charger.
Believe it or not, Wal-Mart sells a great "smart" charger - fully
encapsulated and while not rated as water proof, it is. I know from
practical experience.
If you have a smart charger and your battery is behaving like this,
it is probably shot.